Friday, July 6, 2007

50 Pound Milestone

About 19 months ago, I visited my doctor. I had a few complaints about how I was feeling, and he recommended exercise and diet to take off some weight. Again. It was just like my last two checkups. He was very inspiring. Again.

My weight then: 220.

I worked hard at , but my attempts didn't get me far until I took up running.
I started running with TH, who was training for the marathon. On his long runs, I would meet up with him for the last few miles. Other times, he would just encourage me as I tried to get around the reservoir without passing out.
I got the running bug, and the pounds started coming off.

My weight today: 170.

So, is it diet, or exercise? It's exercise. Yes, I've improved my diet, but only to be able to run further, faster, and easier. Also, there is no exercise like running. It's fun to do with others, but are not dependent on others for every workout. And the intensity is unmatched.

Please forgive me for this self congratulatory post. If I manage to keep my weight where it is, or even drop another few pounds, I won't be bragging about it. Today, however, I'm giving myself a big old "atta boy".

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