Saturday, November 7, 2009

Post Marathon Bits and Pieces

- Photo: DW and his cousin representing the Giants at the NYC Marathon start. They finished together, and DW got about a zillion photos along the way.

- Rumors were flying that Boston was filling up, so I put my application in on Sunday night. I'm already signed up to run with friends in the National Marathon (D.C) on March 20th, which is 4 weeks before Boston... hmm.

- When I read RJR's comment on an earlier post that he had done a full 26.2 training run, I got the urge to do the same. Maybe I'll treat the National Marathon as a supported 26.2 training run, and shoot for a fast time in Boston. Somehow it seems wrong to show up at a marathon and not go all out...

- I'm running a 1/2 Marathon in Boston next weekend with my sister. I'm pretty much recovered from the marathon, so I should be OK, but my my race mojo has definitely not come back. Hopefully, little sister will go easy on me....

- Oh, and the NYC Marathon site has already put up the "countdown" clock for 2010. Time to start training!


Lindsay said...

small world! i was standing right behind the giants cheerleader & footballer player at the start (well, while we were around the corner by the buses waiting).

congrats on nyc! it was an excellent race.

JohnnyGo said...

Small world is right -- we must have been standing right next to each other. Congrats on your PR!

Robert said...

I've heard the same rumors about Boston being about to close. Word is that it will fill even before Thanksgiving this year.

As long as you take the first one easy and treat it as a training run, I think you'd be fine to do both. 26 really isn't that much farther than 24.

runperryrun said...

keep up the training check out my site....
I like your blog.